Outlook Instant email notification.

Posted by Jonh on Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tired of checking your email application every five minutes while you're waiting for an important message? Express Mail@Mate checks mail tirelessly on email accounts (profiles) configured in your default email client so you don't have to.

Express Mail@Mate lets you know who is trying to contact you and what they have written. You will see immediately if your incoming email is important enough for you to interrupt your current work, or you can respond to it later.

Mail@Mate has great features and lots of options to tailor it to your needs. More advanced than an average notification tool it is handy, easy-to-understand and easy-to-use. Using nothing more than your email accounts (profiles) configured in your default email client, it checks mail tirelessly, so you don't have to continuously check up your email application.

People with Microsoft Exchange and Outlook with Exchange Server and Novell Group Wise accounts can use Express Mail@Mate as well as those with POP3 accounts configured in Outlook Express.